.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.
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28 October 2010

Oatmeal with Sweet Potato & Cinnamon

Recipe by Stacy Dong

This is one of the easiest and fastest meals that I have made so far.

Yield: 1 serving

1 tbsp of organic rolled oats
1 tbsp of cubed organic sweet potato, steamed
1 dash of organic ground cinnamon
1/4 cup of water or as much as needed

I freshly grind the organic rolled oats (for faster cooking and softer texture) and cook it with 1/4 cup of water under medium to low heat until the oats are soft and the desired thickness is achieved.
All this would only take 10-15 minutes. I usually let it simmer at low heat for a longer period just because I like it softer and mushier for Z.

When it's cooked, I add the sweet potato cubes (which I have steamed the day before) and finish the meal off with a dash of cinnamon.

The nuttiness from the freshly cooked oats, the sweetness of the sweet potato and the aromatic smell of the cinnamon make this meal a great start to Z's busy day.

I like to use rolled oats because they are purest in form. The less processed they are, the more nutrients they would retain.

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