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08 November 2010

Breastfeed While Pregnant?

Sumber: BabyCenter Malaysia


Is it still possible to breastfeed my son while pregnant with my next baby?


Caroline Deacon answers:

Yes. Your body will carry on producing milk throughout your pregnancy. It's even possible to continue feeding your son after your new baby is born - this is called tandem feeding.
Breastfeeding during pregnancy is fine for most women, although it's important to
eat well. Hormonal changes in the early days may give you sensitive nipples making breastfeeding difficult. Nipple stimulation through breastfeeding or making love will cause mild uterine contractions, but, for most women, these are not strong enough to create a problem. However, if you have a history of premature delivery or miscarriage, or if you are bleeding, then you might need to think about weaning your older child.

During the fourth or fifth months of your pregnancy, your milk reverts to colostrum (the nourishing pre-milk produced by your breasts in the first few days after birth), so the taste changes and volume decreases. Some children decide to wean themselves at this point, although others persevere. If your son wants to continue, don't worry about using your colostrum up; your body will continue to produce this special milk until your new baby needs it. If your son is under a year old, and therefore nutritionally dependent on your milk, you might need to keep track of his weight gain at this point.

It is also worth thinking about whether you want to continue feeding your son once your new baby arrives. If tandem feeding is not for you, it will probably be less traumatic to wean him while you are pregnant rather than waiting until the new baby arrives and he is in danger of feeling usurped anyway. If you are not yet pregnant, but trying, bear in mind that it can be harder to conceive while still breastfeeding, as some women find they don't ovulate until they wean.

Reviewed by co-author of Asian Parenting Today Jennifer Hor, an antenatal and Parent Craft educator who also specialises in breastfeeding and well-baby issues

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